Parents Info


As a parent, you play a significant role in creating a positive experience for your child. Please read the basic information below. It will help you prepare and enjoy the day of the tournament and the process leading into it.

  1. Before registering for the tournament, make sure to have a conversation with your child's coach or professor. Ask them if they feel your child is ready and how you and they can work together to help your child prepare for the tournament. Also, you and your child coach should decide which division you should register for. Click here to download a Conversation with Professors Sheet.
  2. Registration is non-refundable. However, should you have special circumstances or questions, please feel free to email the event admins at [email protected]
  3. The registration includes the tournament fee, tournament t-shirt, and access to the pre-tournament rules session.
  4. Spectator tickets are $10 per person, available at the door. Cash only.
  5. A CompNet division is built by three elements: Age, Rank, and Weight. Make sure to register your child for the age group they will be in on the day of the event.
  6. CompNet Tournaments age groups follow a similar structure to the GBK Program used by Gracie Barra Schools. A typical age group for CompNet Tournaments goes as follows: Tiny Champs 3 and 4 years old, Little Champions 1 5 and 6 years old, Little Champions 2 7 and 8 years old, Juniors-1 9 and 10 years old, Juniors-2 11 and 12 years old, Teens-1 13 and 14 years old, Teens-215 years old, Juvenile: 16 and 17 years old.
  7. When choosing the weight division, make sure to weigh in your child wearing the full Gracie Barra Uniform (Kimono, Rashguard, belt). The official weigh-in happens a few minutes before the athlete's first match. Monitor your child's weight during the weeks leading into competition and make any changes in division one week before the event. 
  8. A child that does not meet the weight requirement for the division is subjected to immediate disqualification. 
  9. When registering, you will be asked if you agree to move up in weight, age, or rank if your child is the only competitor in the division. If you answer yes, the tournament organizer will use its best judgment to create competitive matches for every athlete. 
  10. For deadline to make any changes to your child's division, please refer to the "Dates & Prices" section of the information page. 
  11. CompNet Tournaments have all youth divisions in the mornings. Plan to arrive at the venue 30 mins before the doors open (or 60 minutes before the estimated time for your child's division). We will release an approximate time for each division a few days before the tournament. 
  12. Plan to attend the tournament from 7:30a until 12:00p. Once the estimated times of each division are released, you can adjust your schedule accordingly.

Through the experience of competing at a GB CompNet Tournament, parents have a very unique opportunity to create quality moments with their children and teach them valuable lessons about sports and life.

Click here to download the GB CompNet Parents Guide



  • Boys Gi 95 USD
    3-15 yrs
  • Girls Gi 95 USD
    3-15 yrs
  • Juvenile Male Gi 95 USD
    16-17 Yrs
  • Juvenile Female Gi 95 USD
    16-17 years
  • Male Absolute Gi 20 USD
  • Female Absolute Gi 20 USD
  • Male Gi 95 USD
    18 years and above
  • Female Gi 95 USD
    18 years and above

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